Post 6: Postgraduate Studies

The postgraduate course that I would like to take in the future, would be something with psychology. That is because I have always been interested about psychology, and also it is a discipline that can work together with my anthropological studies. Even if I can't take advantage of a psychology course with the anthropology, I would do it out of curiosity and to gain new knowledge in a different area of study.

This postgraduate course I would like to do abroad, like an excuse to escape from Chile (I'm kidding hahaha). Actually, I would like to study outside of Chile; because I want to meet new people of different parts of the world. And also, to practice or learn a new language. 

About the modality of study I really would not like to be online, with the experience gained during this time is enough for me and I have plenty. So, I prefer to study with a presence-based modality. If during the time when I take the course I find myself working, maybe I would like a part-time course; to work and study at the same time.

Well, a psychology post graduate course is not the only I want to do in the future. I would also like to do more courses that complement my studies and that contribute to my curriculum, and therefore to my job.


  1. What an excellent mix of subjects, I love it, I hope you manage to do that postgraduate abroad.

  2. Wow, I haven't thought about complement areas of social sciences, I think it's an excellent idea <3.

  3. Such an interesting idea! I bet that you will have a lot of fun studying those things :D

  4. very interesting! I hope everything turns out well and you can learn more about what you like


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