Post 7: Changes to My Study Program

Well, the changes I would like to do in the study program of my career, specifically in the curriculum —at least in the two first years— would be adding more subjects related with the physical anthropology mention. Because we have had so few subjects about that mention, so personally I don't know much about their field of study and work.

Concerning the workload, I think it is a thing that need to be talked in each semester, because the situations and necessities changes every semester. So, I  would propose the idea that we (teachers and students) should talk every semester and find solutions together. But, they should commit to listening to the needs of the students and fulfilling the agreements. In the case of the length of studies, I think it is ok.

About the faculty facilities I talk since ignorance, because I have never been in the faculty :( But I have listened from other students they have gone to the faculty, what in some classrooms when it rains the water passes. Also, I listened that in the bathrooms do not have toilet paper.

The use of technology would be good to depend on the case, if it is about equipment to of laboratories and investigation, I would say yes! If it is about instruments who contribute to the learning of the students, again, I would say yes! But if it is about doing again online modality, I would say no! Please no! (Sorry I'm exhausted).

 And finally, the changes I would like to do about teaching method would be training pedagogically  to all the teachers of the faculty. That's because I feel that there are teachers who are not 100% trained to teach, and their teaching methods are quite outdated, and honestly does not allow adequate learning. 

So... those would be the changes that I would like them to make.

A picture of a place I've never been :)


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