Post 2: The best holidays ever

The best holidays that I have were in Buenos Aires, Argentina. In November 2019 my grandma and her partner invited me on a little trip to Buenos Aires. They told me it was a gift for my high school graduation. I was so excited about the trip, because I had never left Chile in my life. 

In Buenos Aires we did various activities. Of course, one of the main activities was seeing the obelisk illuminated in the middle of the night. That was wonderful. Also, we went to the San Telmo fair, we walked through Puerto Madero (which was beautiful), we traveled on the subway, we met the Casa Rosada and went to dinner at a tanguería. 

Going to the tanguería was the best by far (besides the croissants with dulce de leche for breakfast). That is because the tanguería they treated us very well, and also because I really like tango (it is so beautiful). But what made the difference was seeing my grandmother and her partner dancing tango there, they looked fantastic, they danced better than the Argentines who were there (I'm just saying).

And those were the best vacations of my life, short because they were only for a weekend, but wonderful. I want to have many vacations like that or even better (are that too ambitious?).

Extra: When I was in Buenos Aires, in Chile the social outbreak was in their peak. It was very interesting and moving to see how Chileans living in Argentina made stencils and posted posters outside the Chilean embassy supporting the social outbreak.


  1. It's good that your holiday was a good experience for you!

  2. Wow an amzing trip, I think is so beautifull that you saw your grandma and her partner dance tango<3

  3. Good. People from Agentina are Argentinians.


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