Post 3: Let's talk about the pandemic

The apparition of the coronavirus, changed our lives in 180 grades. The pandemic made that all need to use masks to don't scatter the virus. Also, we saw obligated to maintain social distancing. And live in quarantine to reduce the contagious, when figures of contagion are serious.

The quarantine brought many problems to the people. Like the loss of their  source of work, because of various enterprises dismissed many of theirs workers to mitigate the crisis. Or they couldn't keep working because their jobs aren't first necessity (like SME)

Another problem was the implementation of online class. Doing the learning difficult  for students who don't have stable internet or students who don't have a  device or study place adequate to online classes. For the latter point and the confinement, the people was affected in their mental health. Increasing in the population the anxiety, stress and more mental disorders.

And maybe the most important problem was the fact that we can't visit to our friends and loved ones. Because of the fear of infecting them.

My life in pandemic

Well, the pandemic was incredibly difficult for me on the studies side. That's because my first year in university was online, so I can't feel the actual experience and I had a hard time understanding the classes.  And how hard it is to make friends online (at least for me) I didn't have an extra support to understand the classes (That was in the first semester, now I have friends uwu).

Although not all was bad. I spend more time with my little sister and stretch our relation. I learn to cook more delicious things. And I don't need to invent excuses to not go out when I don't want.


  1. I hope that soon we can have face-to-face classes:) (obviously with the necessary measures)

  2. I can't wait for the pandemic to be over and finally get to meet you!

  3. I hope the pandemic ends soon, and meet each other uwu

  4. Good work. There are some expressions as well as some sentence structures you need to pay attention: are obligated not saw obligated; increasing people's anxiety...; I can't have an actual university experience.


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