Post 1: A country I would like to visit

For a while of time I would like to go to Japan. I have been a big fan of anime and manga for a long time. And every time I watch anime and read manga, I dreamed to know that's so far way lands. And is not just for to buy merchandising or participate in events of this type, but also for the amazing scenery and the wonderful culture of this country.  

As far as I know, Japan is an island located in the Asia continent. It is a country so developed in matter of technology, in some hotels the receptionist are robots (that's kind of cool, but at the same time terrifying). The two principals religions practice in Japan are the Shintoism and the Buddhism, the first is original of Japan and the second comes from China. The people in Japan are pretty superstitious, to the point to avoid the number 4 in floors of buildings (especially in hospitals and hotels).

If I travel to Japan, I want to go to the theme park of Universal Studios Japan in Osaka. Because there are attractions about anime like: Shingeki no Kyojin,  Sailor Moon, Neon Genesis Evangelion, Jojo's Bizarre Adventure, etc. Other place I want to visit is kyoto, this city is a point where it is concentrated the culture of Japan.  With enough temples and palaces, in a natural environment and so many artistic demonstrations.

Although, I really want to visit and know this country I really wouldn't like to live there. That's because they have an excess work culture, being a normal thing the work excess. Another point that I didn't like of Japan are the highs levels of harassment to women, for example when a woman entry to a public bathroom she needs to check the cubicle to find some hidden camera. 

And that is, to me is a dream visit Japan but just visit.


  1. Amazing, i didn't know about the recepcionist robots is so crazy! I would like to visit it too

  2. Japan has a very interesting culture. I would also like to visit this country one day!

  3. I would also like to visit Japan, go to Kyoto and the artistic rice fields. I have always wanted to go to Mount Fuji, and visit Tokyo and its great technological level.

  4. Good. There are some sentences such as for a whilw of time, that doesn't mean anything. I think you try to say, "I'd like to visit Japan for a while".


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